Do’s and don’t’s

Do’s and don’t’s


  • Respect me and my boundaries. I do the same for you.
  • Make an appointment for a live session.
  • If you cannot make it to an appointment, let me know in time.
  • If you feel sick, reschedule your appointment.
  • Be honest about what you want and don’t want, and what you can and can’t do or receive. I need to know about any injuries or illnesses that limit your ability. If for instance you can’t kneel because of knee problems, don’t hesitate to tell me.
  • Make sure you eat and drink enough before a session.
  • Be open about what you need. Before, during, and after a session. Do you need a drink? To take a breath? Do you need your cuffs to be loosened? Ask me. Do you need something specific, like a blanket or hot chocolate for aftercare? Make sure I know about this beforehand. Do not hesitate to ask for anything you need.
  • If you want any anal play, clean yourself beforehand. If you’re not clean, I don’t do anal play.
  • Send me a nice email, message, review after the session. I always like that. Sometimes I place these in the review section on my website, but only anonymously.
  • React during a session. I play with responses, and if you yell “ouch!”, groan, moan or anything, I will like that and be better able to adapt what I’m doing to what you like.
  • Be yourself, have fun, feel welcome, and enjoy yourself.


  • Fail to show up for an appointment. Let me know if you’re delayed or can’t make it.
  • Show up drunk or under the influence of drugs. I’ll play with you as long as you are legally allowed to drive. If you are not, I cannot trust you to feel and respect your own boundaries or mine and it is not safe to play.
  • Show up when you feel ill. You need to feel healthy and at least somewhat fit to do BDSM.
  • Ask me to receive you at home.
  • Ask me to buy [x] for your appointment. There is limited space in the studios, I have outfits and toys available but do not have the financial resources to buy something that you have in your specific fantasy. You can ask me for the possibilities, ask me to use or bring a certain thing for your session (make sure to ask well in advance), but not to buy something. If you want something specific you can always buy it for me and bring it to the session.
  • Demand. You can ask me for anything, but it is always up to me if you get it or not.
  • Whine. If I say no once, the answer is and will remain NO. If the answer is “not yet” I will say “not yet” and you know you can ask again.
  • Try to negotiate price. I have taxes and costs too and all this takes a lot of time. So prices are not negotiable, no exceptions.
  • Lie. About anything. Don’t lie about your ability to handle a lot of pain, your physical abilities, or your experience in kink and BDSM. I play with diehard masochists and beginners alike and adjust my play to the person I’m playing with.